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Notes at the beginning of the year are one of the routine activities carried out by Perludem. This activity is the mandate of an institution that carries out research and advocacy on election and democracy issues. The material in this note is Perludem reflection on the events or conditions of elections and democracy in the past year, as well as projections for the current year related to challenges in the implementation of elections and democracy.

In Cawahu 2024, the need for democracy will return to four main parts: First, the electoral system, second, election actors, third, election management, and fourth, election law enforcement. These four big issues stem from the division of Perludem in conducting research and advocacy related to elections and democracy so far.

2024 is a decisive year. Apart from being an election year, 2024 is also an election year full of controversy. Starting from the controversy over election organizers to the controversy from election participants which is very worrying. Each issue discussed in this note contains critical notes on the phenomenon of democracy, then what initiatives and future steps need to be taken.

This note is our commitment at Perludem to continue to contribute to maintaining democracy and elections in Indonesia. Efforts to realize democratization in Indonesia must continue to be pursued. No single party or group can guarantee it. Democracy can be realized without continuing to strive for it.

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