TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – The Association for Elections and Democracy or Perludem has compiled a number of findings and data regarding the petition for a dispute over the General Election Results (PHPU) at the Constitutional Court.
Perludem researcher Muhammad Ihsan Maulana said that the data collected by Perludem was data obtained from the Constitutional Court website until Sunday, March 24 yesterday. From the data collected, he said, Perludem found a very low level in the issue of women’s representation in the filing of this PHPU lawsuit.
“Of the 77 cases submitted to the Constitutional Court. Only 11 cases were filed by female legislator candidates,” said Ihsan in a discussion entitled Early Portrait of 2024 PHPU at the Constitutional Court, Monday, March 25, 2024.
The lack of involvement of female legislator candidates, according to Ihsan, is the result of the insignificance of political parties and the General Election Commission in regulating the 30 percent representation of women in nominations in the 2024 elections.
Another factor that also contributes to the lack of involvement of female legislator candidates in the PHPU lawsuit is the difficulty of women to obtain access to legal aid when fighting for a PHPU lawsuit.
Referring to Perludem’s records from the previous two elections, said Ihsan, it was noted that female legislator candidates often experienced many obstacles in their efforts to file their PHPU lawsuits. “The lack of political party recommendations is also a strong cause,” he said.
As for Perludem’s records of PHPU applications at the Constitutional Court until Sunday, there were 66 cases filed by male legislator candidates at the DPR and DPRD levels. “The percentage is about 80 percent,” said Ihsan.
On August 29, the Supreme Court granted a lawsuit by the Civil Society Coalition to Guard Women’s Representation against Article 8 Paragraph 2 of KPU Regulation Number 10 of 2024 concerning the nomination of DPR and DPRD members.
The article changes the way of calculating the minimum number of 30 percent of female legislator candidates registered by parties participating in the election in each electoral district. As a result, the KPU is obliged to ensure that the provision of female representation is at least 30 percent.
However, of the 84 DPR Member Electoral Districts and 18 political parties participating in the election, almost all parties do not meet the minimum quota requirement of 30 percent of female candidates in the nomination list. In fact, Election Law Number 7 Year 2017 Article 245 states that the requirement for women’s representation of at least 30 percent must be met in each electoral district, not the total accumulation nationally.
This article was published on Tempo.co with the title “Perludem: Keterlibatan Caleg Perempuan dalam Gugatan PHPU Masih Minim”, https://nasional.tempo.co/read/1849419/perludem-keterlibatan-caleg-perempuan-dalam-gugatan-phpu-masih-minim