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Jakarta, March 29, 2024
Political Women’s Resilience is a Factor in Increasing Women’s Representation in the House of Representatives in the 2024 Election Results

The results of the 2024 DPR elections are projected to increase the number of women’s representation to 22.1% or 128 seats out of 580 DPR seats. This figure is 1.6% higher than the 2019 elections with 20.5% women’s representation (118/575). The results of the 2024 DPR elections are also the highest achievement of women’s representation in Indonesia’s electoral history.

“We try to see a portrait of women’s electability in the 2024 elections. Previously, the trend was increasing and in 2019, the figure was 20.5%. This is certainly very much a factor. Among them are the intense competition between candidates in the electoral districts and sometimes escorting votes at the polling stations,” said the director of the Association for Elections and Democracy (Perludem), Khoirunnisa Nur Agustyati in a media discussion “Projection of Women’s Representation in the House of Representatives of the 2024 Election Results” in Central Jakarta (28/3).

The resilience of women candidates is believed to be the reason for the increase in the percentage of women’s representation in the DPR. This is because almost all political parties participating in the 2024 elections do not guarantee the nomination of 30% female representation in each electoral district. The provision of rounding down the percentage of women’s candidacy in General Election Commission Regulation 10/2023 has an impact on not fulfilling the minimum number of 30% women in electoral districts with 4, 7, 8, and 11 seats. The 2024 election is also a simultaneous election that focuses attention on the male candidates in the presidential election, not the legislative election.

“If only the KPU could ensure a minimum of 30% representation of women in the nomination in each electoral district, the number of elected women’s representation in the DPR could increase even more,” said Perludem researcher Heroik Mutaqin Pratama.

The 22.1% achievement of women’s representation in the DPR came from a number of electoral districts with a total of 84 electoral districts. For example, there are 20 electoral districts where the percentage of women’s electability is 30-50%. Then, there are five electoral districts where the percentage of women’s electability is above 50%. Even one electoral district of Bengkulu, the percentage of women’s electability reached 100%. However, there are still 16 electoral districts that have no female candidates elected to the DPR.

In general, the majority of elected candidates are number 1 candidates. In total, 64% of the elected candidates are number 1 candidates.

The data that Perludem processed was based on the General Election Commission’s Model D Prov-DPR results recapitulation form through the SIREKAP website. Perludem also rechecked the data in accordance with KPU Decree No. 360 on the Determination of Election Results.

The conversion of votes to seats is done using the Sainte Lague method. Party votes are divided by odd numbers 1, 3, 5, 7, and so on. Then, the determination of elected candidates is based on the most votes by looking at the vote acquisition of each DPR candidate.

The achievement of 22.1% (128/580) of women’s representation in the DPR in the 2024 elections may change. This is because there is still a stage of the Election Results Dispute at the Constitutional Court. The verdict of the election results court can change the acquisition of party seats or the electability of candidates. []


Contact Person:
Khoirunnisa Nur Agustyati (08170021868)
Heroik Mutaqin Pratama (087839377707)

Document link: https://perludem.org/2024/03/28/materi-presentasi-proyeksi-keterwakilan-perempuan-di-dpr-hasil-pemilu-2024/