TRIBUNNEWS.COM, JAKARTA – Perludem Executive Director Khoirunnisa Agustyati hopes that in the 2024 Election dispute, the Constitutional Court (MK) judges will not be fixated on the numbers of election results.
Nisa said, MK judges must look at how the process of the results of these numbers.
“I think we see this election not only in numbers. For example, we have seen the numbers obtained by the presidential and vice presidential pairs and political parties,” said Nisa in a discussion with Jaga Pemilu, Monday (1/4/2024) afternoon.
But according to him, people also need to question. What happened to reach these numbers.
“And I think in the next week the proof room will be at the Constitutional Court. Today, proof is being carried out by pair 01 tomorrow 03,” said Nisa.
It is judged that the election dispute at the Constitutional Court will show these numbers. Are the numbers genuine or not.
“And the hope is that the Constitutional Court will not only look at the numbers. From the acquisition of each candidate pair and existing political parties,” he continued.
Nisa said with all the events that occurred before the election. These numbers or election results can appear because there are a series of events.
“For example, it was mentioned in the Constitutional Court session that it was discussed, such as the politicization of social assistance. That happened, in the process of organizing this election,” he said.
This article has been published on with the title “2024 Election Disputes, Perludem Hopes that the Constitutional Court will not be fixated on the numbers of election results but the process”,