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PERKUMPULAN untuk Pemilu dan Demokrasi (Perludem) highlighted the lack of safe space owned by the public in reporting alleged election violations, especially related to election crimes. According to Perludem Director Khoirunnisa Nur Agustyati, people are still reluctant to report this because of the threatening risks.

“Indeed, people need a sense of security to be able to report findings of violations, especially election crimes. It is also not fully present the sense of security that the community has, worried that they will be intimidated,” she explained in a discussion entitled Public Collaboration and the Judicial Commission in Monitoring the 2024 Election Trial in Jakarta, Tuesday (2/4).

According to Khoirunnisa, a sense of security for the public to report is only one of a number of problems related to election crimes. She said that the public also has limitations in reporting suspected violations and election crimes to the General Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu).

In this case, the community is faced with limited chronological submission, evidence, and efforts to present witnesses to alleged violations or election crimes. For Khoirunnisa, the technical report to Bawaslu like that is still unfamiliar to the public.

“Maybe ordinary people are not used to doing that. So that when (the report) is incomplete, the report cannot be forwarded or continued by Bawaslu,” he continued.

Based on Perludem’s records, Bawaslu received 1,023 alleged violations of the 2024 Election. Of this figure, 482 cases were community reports, while the remaining 541 were Bawaslu’s own findings.

Khoirunnisa’s statement is in line with what was conveyed by Bawaslu RI member Lolly Suhenty, who acknowledged an increase in the number of reports of alleged election violations in the 2024 Election by the public. For Lolly, this trend shows that there is quite good and high public participation.

However, of all public reports received, only 40% can be registered by Bawaslu.

“(Public reports) have not been accompanied by the quality of fulfillment of the report requirements. The impact is that 40% of reports from the public that enter Bawaslu can then be registered, because the rest do not meet the formal or material requirements,” said Lolly.


This article was published on Mediaindonesia.com with the title “Perludem Highlights Safe Space for the Public to Report Election Crimes”, https://mediaindonesia.com/politik-dan-hukum/662915/perludem-soroti-ruang-aman-bagi-masyarakat-laporkan-pidana-pemilu