RESEARCHER from the Association for Elections and Democracy (Perludem) Kahfi Adlan Hafiz said that the credibility of the Constitutional Court (MK) after issuing a decision on the presidential election dispute was again questioned.
This is the impact of the Constitutional Court’s decision itself which has caused pros and cons in the community. Especially the many findings or legal facts presented during the trial process turned out to be contrary to the results of the decision.
“During the trial process, the course of the trial, public confidence in the Constitutional Court increased. But we don’t know after this decision how public confidence in the Constitutional Court will be. After the Constitutional Court experienced an extraordinary storm after the 90th decision, regarding the minimum age. Today, if we look at the trial process, public confidence has increased, but after this we don’t know what will happen after the verdict,” he said in Cikini, Central Jakarta, Wednesday (24/4).
Although the Constitutional Court’s decision regarding the presidential election dispute some time ago caused pros and cons, Kahfi hopes that in the future the organization of elections and law enforcement in Indonesia will be much better than today.
He noted that this year’s election was the most chaotic and there were so many irregularities and ethical violations.
He also hopes that the political process after the Constitutional Court’s decision, the parties who were previously in the opposition will also resist the temptation not to join the government.
This is solely to maintain the quality of democracy and oversee the running of the new government so that it runs well.
“We really hope that today there is a political process of teasing each other, discussing, meeting and so on. But we hope that we really have an effective opposition. So that in the parliament, the DPR, parties that might be tempted may not be tempted. So that they can stay in the opposition,” said Kahfi.
“When that can be done, we really have an effective opposition, at the beginning of the government, the formation of the government, we can trust, we can produce a legal framework that can really guarantee the principle of elections,” he concluded.
This article was published on Media Indonesia with the title “Perludem: Constitutional Court’s Credibility Questioned Again After the Decision on the Presidential Election Dispute”,