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TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – The Association for Elections and Democracy, aka Perludem, identified the 2024 legislative election dispute case that is currently rolling in the Constitutional Court or MK based on the serial number of legislative candidates or candidates. This serial number is known to affect the election of candidates.

“We classify the applicants based on serial numbers, because this serial number turns out to have significance for electability, even though we have used an open proportional system,” said Perludem researcher Kahfi Adlan Hafiz during a discussion entitled ‘Launching the Results of Monitoring the Dispute over Legislative Election Results’ at the Constitutional Court in the Cikini area, Central Jakarta on Monday, May 20, 2024.

Kahfi said, psychologically based on voter behavior, people still tend to choose candidates with the top serial numbers, namely between 1, 2, 3, and so on.

Perludem noted that there were 285 cases of disputes over general election results or PHPU for legislative elections identified by Perludem. A total of 140 of these cases can be identified by the candidate number.

“There are three cases with small candidate numbers, namely 49 cases filed by candidate number 2,” said Kahfi.

Then there are 39 cases filed by candidates with serial number 1. The remaining 14 cases were filed by candidate number 3.

Perludem does not only categorize legislative election dispute cases based on serial numbers. The organization also identified cases based on the applicant.

Of the 285 cases identified, 60 percent were filed by political parties. The remaining 114 cases were filed on behalf of individuals.


This article was published on Tempo.co with the title “Perludem Notes that Candidate Number 2 Submitted the Most Pileg Disputes to the Constitutional Court”, https://nasional.tempo.co/read/1870024/perludem-catat-caleg-nomor-urut-2-paling-banyak-ajukan-sengketa-pileg-ke-mk