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RMBANTEN.COM – Politics, Jakarta – The practice of dynastic politics with a narrative of alignment because Indonesia is still thick with Asian values in society cannot be justified and is very dangerous for democracy.

The statement was made by Executive Director of the Election Association for Democracy (Perludem) Khoirunnisa Nur Agustyati to Media Indonesia which was quoted back by RMN News Agency, Saturday (8/6).

Khoirunnisa emphasized that the narrative was very dangerous and could damage the democracy that was once desperately fought for during the reform era.

Ninis said, Khoirunnisa’s nickname, it showed a decline in public awareness about the importance of upholding democracy.

“Dynastic politics is a problem because it makes our political recruitment process problematic. Because by normalizing dynastic politics, we encourage democracy and openness,” said Ninis after a discussion on ‘Evaluating the Implementation of the 2024 Elections’ in Central Jakarta, Friday (7/6).

According to Ninis, if dynastic politics is perpetuated, then political party cadres who have been processing from the bottom, following the recruitment process according to clear procedures and mechanisms, will lose to those who have relatives or family relationships.

“Privileges or special opportunities owned by cadres who have relatives with the elite certainly kill the political careers of others who have been processing well,” she said.

Meanwhile, said Ninis, in another situation, our political parties today are also not running well.

“The recruitment process is not open. The situation in political parties is that during the recruitment process, those who have a lot of capital, those who have closeness to the elite, are prioritized,” said Ninis.

“So it’s not healthy. It’s not fair for cadres who have been in politics from the bottom, raising the party, to compete with those who have privileges. It becomes difficult. That is the danger of dynastic politics. But the wonder is how come this is something that is normalized,” Ninis concluded.


This article has been published on RMBANTEN.COM with the title “Perludem: Narrative of ‘Asian Value’ alignment for dynastic practices is dangerous for democracy”, https://rmbanten.com/detail/31377/perludem-narasi-pewajaran-asian-value-untuk-praktik-dinasti-berbahaya-buat-demokrasi