Jakarta: Executive Director of the Association for Elections and Democracy (Perludem) Khoirunnisa Nur Agustyati said that the General Election Commission (KPU) in carrying out its duties adheres to the law, namely the Pilkada Law. Therefore, said Nisa, just ignore the decision of the Supreme Court (MA) regarding the age limit for the 2024 Pilkada.
“In my opinion, the KPU should ignore the Supreme Court’s decision because the KPU in making technical rules in the form of KPU regulations must be in accordance with the laws and regulations that are above it, in this case the Pilkada Law,” said Nisa on Metro TV, Wednesday, June 12, 2024.
Nisa explained that the Pilkada Law states that the minimum age to become a regional head candidate is 30 years old. The Pilkada Law does not mention the 30-year requirement at inauguration, but the requirement as a candidate.
“So the candidate requirements are regulated in the Pilkada law, and the Pilkada Law is still valid, not canceled. So the Supreme Court canceled the previous PKPU, but the Pilkada Law is still valid,” Nisa explained.
She said that if the KPU changes the age requirement for Pilkada in accordance with the Supreme Court’s decision, it means that the KPU is not implementing what is stated in the Pilkada Law. According to Nisa, the KPU does not need to follow the Supreme Court’s decision.
Previously, the Supreme Court granted the lawsuit of the Chairman of the Garda Perubahan Indonesia (Garuda) Party, Ahmad Ridha Sabana, which was processed on May 27, 2024 and decided on May 29, 2024. The Supreme Court changed the minimum age requirements and provisions for regional head candidates to 30 years old at the time of inauguration for provincial level candidates, and 25 years old for district / city level candidates. Previously, the requirement applied during registration as a candidate.
This article was published on Medcom.id with the title “Perludem: KPU Just Ignore Supreme Court Decision on Election Age Requirements”, https://www.medcom.id/pilkada/news-pilkada/Rb1YjYeb-perludem-kpu-abaikan-saja-putusan-ma-soal-syarat-usia-pilkada