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TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – The Association for Elections and Democracy (Perludem) responded to the dismissal of General Election Commission (KPU) Chairman Hasyim Asy’ari after the verdict of the Election Organizer Honor Council (DKPP). Hasyim was proven to have abused his position and authority in a case of immoral acts against CAT, a female member of the Foreign Election Committee (PPLN) Den Haag, Netherlands.

“Definitely, yes. The permanent dismissal of Hasyim Asy’ari affects the image and credibility of the KPU institution,” said Perludem Board of Trustees member Titi Anggraini when met in Central Jakarta, Saturday, July 6, 2024.

Titi explained that the dismissal of Hasyim Asy’ari had a major impact on the public’s negative opinion of the KPU. “There will definitely be a stigmatized and skewed view of the KPU,” she said.

Therefore, Titi said, the self-improvement carried out by the other six KPU commissioners determines the public’s view of the organization of elections, which in the near future will lead to the 2024 Regional Elections or Simultaneous Regional Elections.

“Whether or not public trust decreases depends on the KPU improving itself from the institutional and personnel side of the election organizers,” she said.

The guest lecturer at the Faculty of Law at the University of Indonesia (FH UI) also outlined a number of steps that the KPU can take to improve its institutional image, such as evaluating unproductive performance, building open relationships with various parties, and ensuring that its officials do not violate ethics or abuse authority.

Titi hopes that the DKPP’s decision against Hasyim can build a better internal mechanism for swift action for similar cases of sexual violence.

“If the internal working mechanism is good, then the KPU does not need to wait for people to report to DKPP because it can be prevented in advance,” she said.


This article has been published on Tempo.co with the title “Perludem Calls Hasyim Asy’ari’s Immoral Case Tarnishing KPU’s Image”, https://nasional.tempo.co/read/1888646/perludem-sebut-kasus-asusila-hasyim-asyari-mencoreng-citra-kpu