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WAKIL Chairman of Commission II of the House of Representatives, Junimart Girsang, said he received information about the General Election Commission (KPU) writing to the Indonesian Embassies in several European countries for the purpose of working visits in the context of supervisory functions.

Junimart also questioned the purpose and urgency of the KPU RI.

Responding to that, Program Manager of the Association for Elections and Democracy (Perludem) Fadli Ramadhanil said there was no urgency for the KPU commissioners to travel abroad.

“There should be absolutely no urgency for the KPU to go abroad,” Fadli told Media Indonesia, Wednesday (10/7).

“Why would there be a visit abroad while there is an election in sight,” he added.

Fadli said that apart from being an issue of effectiveness, the KPU’s desire to travel abroad is also a form of waste.

“I think KPU commissioners should be a bit ashamed, commissioners who always travel abroad, whether it’s a waste of state money,” said Fadli.

Junimart explained that the Indonesian Embassy was contacted by the KPU, such as in the UK to Italy, and several countries in Europe.

“Italy has even been accepted. And some friends have also met, they (KPU) want to do what, online shopping?” said Junimart.

Junimart also emphasized that the KPU needs to be audited by the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK).

“That’s why we say that the KPU needs to be monitored, BPK should immediately audit the KPU,” he said.


This article has been published on Mediaindonesia.com with the title “KPU’s Overseas Travel Plan, Perludem: KPU Commissioners Should Know Shame”, https://mediaindonesia.com/politik-dan-hukum/684098/rencana-plesiran-kpu-ke-luar-negeri-perludem-semestinya-komisioner-kpu-tahu-malu