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Jakarta: Executive Director of the Association for Elections and Democracy (Perludem), Khoirunnisa Nur Agustyati, considers the dishonorable dismissal of the Chairman of the General Elections Commission (KPU) Hasyim Asy’ari due to immoral cases as a form of lack of internal supervision. This statement is not without reason, because previously the KPU also often committed violations.

“Mr. Hasyim, who was dismissed by DKPP, was the peak, but before that, if it was related to the KPU’s ethical violations, it had repeatedly received ethical sanctions by DKPP with various cases,” said Khoirunnisa on Metro TV, Thursday, June 11, 2024.

He considered that there were problems related to professionalism, ethics, and integrity that must be addressed immediately. Khoirunnisa explained that the public should not judge the current election organizers as unfit.

“We already want Pilkada, technically the Regional KPU organizes it, but this KPU makes the policy, the final responsibility is all in the KPU,” said Khoirunnisa.

He explained that internal supervision in the KPU is needed to prevent violations. Not only supervision from the Election Supervisory Honor Council (DKPP), but KPY needs to have internal complaints.

“In supervising each other, is there also mutual supervision, is there no internal mechanism made? For example, where to report, meet with whom, where?” said Khoirunnisa.

Khoirunnisa said that as an institution that is required to be independent and have integrity, the KPU must have control. If violations still occur, he said, it shows that internal supervision at the KPU has not been maximized.


This article has been published on Metrotvnews.com with the title “Many Violations, Perludem Assesses KPU’s Internal Supervision is Still Lacking”, https://www.metrotvnews.com/read/K5nCLwmO-banyak-pelanggaran-perludem-nilai-pengawasan-internal-kpu-masih-kurang