The latest episode of Ninis’s Room Podcast🥳

This time Khoirunnisa N. Agustyati and Fadli Ramadhanil will comment on the hottest news of the current electoral situation, starting from Mr. Jokowi who asked to accelerate the replacement of Hasyim Asy’ari for the smooth running of the Pilkada, Mr. Mahfud MD who said that the KPU is now unfit to be the organizer of the 2024 Pilkada, State Facilities used to launch immoral acts of KPU Chairman Hasyim Asy’ari, KPU reviews the chance to reopen independent candidacy for Pilkada due to the Supreme Court’s decision, and KPU officially accommodates the Supreme Court’s decision, the age limit of the Regional Head is calculated at the time of inauguration.

Let’s see what the comments are, watch the full article ya☺️☺️ #perludem #ninissroom #pilkada2024