Election Commentary is back✨🥳
The news that will be commented on this time starts from – Hasyim Asy’ari Dismissed Dishonorably, Komnas HAM Asked the Election Organizing Agency to be Evaluated Comprehensively, – Agus Raharjo Asked Bawaslu’s Decision about the Elected Candidate for DPD Kondang Kusmaning Ayu, – Tito quipped that the incumbent regent was hard to find: Busy looking for election tickets, – Plesiran abroad, KPU is asked not to spend state money, – DPR will ask for Iffa Rosita’s willingness to replace Hasyim in KPU.
How do Fadli Ramadhanil and Khoirunnisa N. Agustyati comment on this news? Hear more only on Ninis’s Room Podcast🤩 Happy watching Sobat Perludem!
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