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TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – The independent non-profit organization Perkumpulan untuk Pemilu dan Demokrasi (Perludem) hopes that the 2024 regional head elections will implement an open dialogue campaign model between regional head candidates and voters.

Perludem Program Manager Fadhli Ramadhani said the adoption of a campaign with an open dialogue model had been applied during the 2024 presidential election campaign.

“Anies Baswedan once made #DesakAnis and Mahfud Md once made Tabrak, Prof! They come to the young voter base, then young people can talk and ask anything,” said Fadhli in a training on monitoring the trial of regional election cases in Mataram, Thursday, July 25, 2024.

Fadhli said the concept of an open dialog campaign was part of the adaptation to the configuration of voters who were dominated by the younger generation.

Based on data from the General Elections Commission (KPU), the total number of voters involved in this year’s elections reached 204.80 million people spread across 514 districts / cities, 128 representative countries, and 820,161 polling stations (TPS) in the country.

The interesting thing is that more than half of the total voters are under 40 years old, which is 56.45 percent or equivalent to 113.62 million people. They consist of the millennial generation as much as 33.60 percent and generation Z reaching 22.85 percent.

“With that situation, it should also be possible in the regional elections that the initiative of young people to direct the contestants of the elections is not only campaigning with billboards and banners, but must dialogue and talk to the public,” he said.

He said that open dialog campaigns allow voters to find out early the contents of the heads and desires of regional head candidates.

“The campaign strategies of candidate pairs or initiatives from young people should be much more diverse. If we compare it with the campaign adaptations carried out by several contestants in the 2024 presidential election, that is actually their response to the configuration of young voters,” said Fadhli.

Pilkada will be held simultaneously on November 27, 2024 in 37 provinces and 508 regencies/cities. The Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY) and administrative districts/cities under DKI Jakarta Province are not included in the 37 provinces because they have special autonomy status.


This article has been published on Tempo.co with the title “Perludem Hopes for Open Dialogue Campaigns with Voters in 2024 Regional Elections”, https://pemilu.tempo.co/read/1896321/perludem-berharap-ada-kampanye-dialog-terbuka-dengan-pemilih-di-pilkada-2024