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Jakarta, CNN Indonesia – Researcher at the Association for Elections and Democracy (Perludem) Haykal highlighted the attitude of the DKI Jakarta General Election Commission (KPU) which is still processing the registration of independent couple Dharma Pongrekun-Kun Wardhana.

Haykal said Dharma and Kun’s registration was problematic because it was colored by alleged violations of the NIK of Jakarta residents. He emphasized that this must be properly investigated first.

“This is still a problem, why? The Dharma-Kun candidate pair still has the issue of data profiteering and also the unfinished NIK of Jakarta residents,” Haykal told CNNIndonesia.com, Friday (30/8).

Haykal assessed that although Bawaslu had issued a decision stating that Dharma-Kun’s alleged violation lacked evidence, it must be reviewed. Moreover, Dharma-Kun never fulfilled three summons for examination from Bawaslu.

“What should be done is to summon the candidate concerned and also the citizens who then feel aggrieved because their NIK has been used,” said Haykal.

“And also see how the process happened, whether there was an error, or a violation in the process of collecting support carried out by the relevant couple,” he added.

He also wondered why Bawaslu did not answer the legal fulfillment needs of the people who felt aggrieved by conducting a proper examination.

He said Bawaslu and the KPU had both committed alleged ethical violations in the Dharma-Kun case.

“I think in this case the KPU and Bawaslu have committed ethical violations in the process, be it the examination or verification of the support data or also in the process of handling this profiteering case,” he explained.

Haykal said the alleged profiteering was still wrong. He said the KPU must disqualify Dharma-Kun if the results of the reinvestigation state that the pair committed an offense.

“The KPU here is fine to then process the registration of this related pair, but then there must be a note that this process has not been completed regarding the fulfillment of the support requirements,” said Haykal.

“And so later it is found that there is a process or violation of the law related to this, I think the KPU must also firmly disqualify the candidate pair concerned,” he added.

Dharma Pongrekun and Kun Wardhana have registered with the DKI Jakarta KPU on Thursday (29/8) as candidates for governor and deputy governor.

From the beginning, the Dharma-Kun verification process was polemic. After finally passing the verification process, many Jakartans complained about Dharma and Kun’s alleged use of their NIKs. Their NIKs were used unilaterally as a condition of support.

Bawaslu DKI has stated that Dharma-Kun has not been proven to have taken people’s NIKs. However, Bawaslu DKI found that there were alleged legal violations of the Personal Data Protection Law and alleged ethical violations by a number of KPU members in handling Dharma-Kun.




This article has been published on CNN Indonesia with the title “Perludem Assesses Dharma-Kun Registration in Jakarta Gubernatorial Election as Problematic”, https://www.cnnindonesia.com/nasional/20240830192407-617-1139538/perludem-nilai-pendaftaran-dharma-kun-di-pilgub-jakarta-bermasalah.