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KBRN, Jakarta: The choice of placing an acting officer for five years in an area won by an empty box in the 2024 Pilkada is considered to be detrimental to the community. This was conveyed by a researcher from the Association for Elections and Democracy (Perludem), Usep Hasan Sadikin.

“The option to be held by an acting regional head for five years will be detrimental to local residents. Because they do not have a regional head who matches their aspirations,” said Usep, in a conversation with Pro 3 RRI, Monday (9/9/2024).

According to Usep, the appointment of acting regional heads by the central government is also not in accordance with the substance of direct elections by citizens. “So if the acting head is appointed by the center, then the substance of the election as a direct election by the people is not fulfilled,” he said.

Instead of proposing this option, Usep suggested that the KPU and DPR consider the decision of the Constitutional Court (MK) regarding the nomination threshold. This will open up wider opportunities regarding the nomination of regional heads.

“They should welcome the Constitutional Court’s decision. Then prepare an agenda for revising the Pilkada Law which holds more to the principle of voting rights as human rights,” said Usep.

It is known, currently the KPU and Commission II DPR are discussing various options related to elections with empty boxes. Member of Commission II DPR, Mardani Ali Sera, said that so far there are three options being discussed.

The first option, re-election with an empty box against a candidate pair, as in a number of regions today. The second option is for the elections to be accelerated in the next two years.

The third option, for five years the area is held by an acting regional head. “All three have advantages and disadvantages,” said Mardani in his written statement, last Sunday (8/9/2024).


This article was published on Rri.co.id with the title “Perludem Objects to Regions Being Filled by Acting Heads for Five Years”, https://rri.co.id/pilkada-2024/965329/perludem-keberatan-daerah-diisi-penjabat-selama-lima-tahun