TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – Perludem Executive Director Khoirunnisa Agustyaty said there were allegations of structural pressure as a cause of violations of ASN neutrality in the implementation of the 2024 Pilkada.
“It could be because there is structural pressure,” Khoirunnisa said as a speaker at the Launching of Research on the Distribution Map of Potential Fraud in ASN Deployment in the 2024 Pilkada, in the Cikini area, Jakarta, on Saturday, September 21, 2022.
Khoirunnisa gave an analogy related to the situation of structural pressure. He gave an example, if there is a regional head who is an incumbent and in a bureaucratic situation that has not been maximized, there is a concern that if the ranks below do not obey the orders of the regional head, it will affect his career as an ASN. “Later he will be transferred, his career will stagnate,” he said.
In addition, according to Khoirunnisa, several work cultures such as the desire to please superiors or feel happy if they are close to higher-ranking officials is one of the factors triggering violations of ASN neutrality. “It could be that it is not because the ASN wants to be non-neutral, but because there are factors that exist outside of that,” she said, who also called it an election malpractice.
Themis Indonesia Law Firm released a map of the distribution of ten provinces in Indonesia that have the potential for election fraud related to violations of the neutrality of the State Civil Apparatus or ASN. “We have categorized them into ten potential provinces where there are problems with violations committed by ASN,” said Themis researcher Hemi Lavour.
The selection of the ten provinces was part of a study conducted by Themis and the Indonesian Dewi Keadilan Foundation. The research method used was purposive sampling, which was based on a comparison between the number of Permanent Voters List or DPT and the number of ASNs in each province.
In the document published by Themis with the title “Map of the Potential Distribution of ASN Mobilization Fraud in the 2024 Simultaneous Regional Elections”, it is explained how the role of ASN in this simultaneous regional election fraud. In the document, it is explained that DPT areas that have a large number of ASNs generally have a high number of ASNs as well.
From this information, it is concluded that the high number of ASNs has the potential to realize more significant violations of neutrality. In addition to utilizing ASN votes in voting, they are used to be able to intervene in the choice of the masses which will affect the election results of their support candidate to win. “They have a central role to be able to make someone win or bring down their political opponents in these areas,” said Hemi.
This article has been published on Tempo.co with the title “Perludem Says Violation of ASN Neutrality in Pilkada is also Caused by Structural Pressure”, https://nasional.tempo.co/read/1919212/perludem-sebut-pelanggaran-netralitas-asn-dalam-pilkada-juga-disebabkan-tekanan-struktural