EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR of the Association for Elections and Democracy (Perludem) Khoirunnisa Nur Agustyati said that the 2024 Pikada debate stage that had taken place was still a formality. Voters, he continued, did not get information about the ideas presented with a short duration.
“Debates in Indonesia are still a formality, not digging deeper. There are also time constraints,” said Ninis, Monday (7/10).
According to her, debates should be used as a campaign method to convince voters. In this debate, voters can consider whether these candidates have ideas that are in accordance with public aspirations.
“In addition, the debate will also show how the gestures, the way of speaking of regional head candidates. How they respond to questions will also be seen in the debate,” he said.
He encouraged each candidate to criticize each other’s promises, visions, missions, programs in the short duration of the debate. According to him, criticism in the debate of ideas is legitimate and necessary so that the debate does not run monotonously.
This article has been published on Mediaindonesia.com with the title “Perludem Mentions that the Pilkada Debate is still limited to Formality”. https://mediaindonesia.com/pilkada/707091/perludem-sebut-debat-pilkada-masih-sebatas-formalitas
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