, Jakarta – Researcher at the Association for Elections and Democracy (Perludem) Iqbal Kholidin said that the action of distributing basic necessities needs to be watched out for in the 2024 Pilkada season because it can be a violation in the election.
According to him, the misuse of social assistance (bansos) from state budget sources (APBN / APBD) is included in the category of money politics during the campaign period and has entered the category of criminal election violations.
“For groceries using state facilities such as various kinds of social assistance sourced from APBN / APBD is a category of money politics during the election period. Moreover, sharing money such as aid, goods and others,” Iqbal said in a statement received on Saturday (19/10/2024).
Iqbal explained, money politics is a problem that is never finished in every democratic party in Indonesia. The practice of bribing people’s choices is a classic problem in every democratic party event.
“There needs to be firm action from the election organizers, namely Bawaslu, to impose sanctions on candidates who are caught providing social assistance,” he said.
Ask Citizens to Be Pro-Active
In addition, Iqbal asked residents to be pro-active in reporting if they saw this practice.
“People who see and know must report this to Bawaslu,” Iqbal said.
The action of sharing basic necessities was held in Central Kalimantan (Central Kalimantan Provincial Government).
This was done in order to control inflation and maintain the stability of prices of basic necessities and even to prevent stunting.
The basic food package assistance distributed consists of 10 kg of rice, 1 kg of sugar and 1 liter of cooking oil worth IDR 198,500 per package.
The community only needs to redeem Rp20,000 per package which is again subsidized so that the community can get it for free.
This article has been published on with the title “Perludem Asks All Parties to Monitor Misuse of Social Aid in the Election Era”,