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Jakarta, CNN Indonesia – The Association for Elections and Democracy (Perludem) proposes merging the Election Law with the Regional Elections.

Currently, the Election Law is regulated in Law No. 17/2017, while Law No. 10/2016 on Pilkada.

“For this reason, we encourage the Election and Pilkada Laws to be united in one text or codification of the Election and Pilkada Laws,” said Perludem Executive Director, Khoirunnisa Nur Agustyati alias Ninis at a meeting with the House of Representatives Legislative Body, Wednesday (30/10).

Ninis explained that literally, there is no difference between regional elections and elections.

In simple terms, Ninis explained that both elections and regional elections are both organized by the KPU.

“The voters are the same, the election participants are political parties, so there is no longer a difference in regime,” she said.

At the same time, Ninis also asked for an evaluation of organizing simultaneous elections with five boxes as in the 2019 and 2024 elections.

“The Constitutional Court provides options related to the simultaneous election of the election schedule. So it doesn’t have to be five boxes as we have done in 2019 and 2024,” he said.

Ninis emphasized that the most important thing is that the presidential, DPR, and DPD elections are held on the same day.

“You can also separate national and regional elections, make three levels, for example there are national, provincial, district, city levels. As long as it maintains the simultaneous nature of the DPR, DPD, and Presidential elections,” he said.



This article has been published on CNN Indonesia with the title “Perludem Proposes the Election and Pilkada Law to be Unified”, https://www.cnnindonesia.com/nasional/20241030182534-617-1161316/perludem-usul-uu-pemilu-dan-pilkada-disatukan.