Jakarta (ANTARA) – The Association for Elections and Democracy (Perludem) Foundation proposes that Law Number 7 of 2017 on Elections be revised by including it in the National Legislation Program (Prolegnas) of the Indonesian Parliament 2025-2029.
Perludem Executive Director Khoirunnisa Agustyati said that the current election system has been decided to be conducted simultaneously based on the Constitutional Court’s decision. However, the goal of strengthening the presidential system, as well as looking at the election process and results, has not yet achieved what was desired.
“In the 2019 elections we experienced extraordinary complexity, and we repeated the five-box simultaneous elections again in the 2024 elections,” Khoirunnisa said during a meeting with the Legislation Body at the parliament complex, Jakarta, Wednesday.
Khoirunnisa explained that the complexity that occurred was about the number of invalid ballots due to problems experienced by voters. In 2019 there were about 17 million invalid votes and in 2024 there were about 15 million invalid ballots.
If later the discussion of the revision of the Election Law rolls on, he predicts that the debate that will occur is about voting with an open or closed system.
“Usually the hard debate is on that issue alone, even though we think there are many other things that are actually also important to be traced back,” he said.
In addition, Khoirunnisa said that the revision of the Election Law was needed because the law was the most tested in the Constitutional Court.
“Law Number 7 of 2017 has been tested 134 times since it was passed,” she said.
Actually, after the 2019 elections, she said, there was already a desire to revise the Election Law, but it was canceled because at that time there were obstacles due to COVID-19.
This article has been published on Antaranews.com with the title “Perludem proposes that the Election Law be revised by the DPR in the National Legislation”, https://www.antaranews.com/berita/4432265/perludem-usul-uu-pemilu-direvisi-oleh-dpr-dalam-prolegnas