WARTAKOTALIVE.COM, JAKARTA – In recent times, many YouTube channels owned by public figures in Indonesia have disappeared after they commented or criticized the government.
This has raised questions among content creators regarding freedom of expression, especially opinions on the government and its policies.
Fadli Ramadhanil, a researcher from the Association for Elections and Democracy (Perludem), emphasized that freedom of expression is a right that must be protected by the state.
“In my opinion, digital security, cyber security for citizens, for civil society organizations is certainly something important, because it is an inseparable part of personal data protection, an inseparable part of freedom of expression, and it is the responsibility of the state,” said Fadli, Wednesday (15/1/2025).
Fadli said that security and freedom of expression are indeed very serious homework for the state.
This is because, apart from being the right of the people as citizens, they also cannot be left to fight alone in creating digital security.
“When intimidation and hacking occur, this is a serious problem that shows a lack of cyber security guarantees for citizens,” he said.
Social media activist and YouTube channel owner Mazdjopray also confirmed that many channels disappear after discussing political issues that are considered sensitive.
“This is a classic problem. Since 2012, I have seen YouTube as a platform for free speech, but now many feel threatened,” he said.
Mazdjopray added that this situation has created a climate of fear among political content creators.
Now, he says, content creators have to think twice for their safety and to avoid intimidation.
“Many of us feel like we have to think twice before discussing certain topics,” he said.
“It’s not just about losing your channel, but also about losing your voice and your right to speak,” he added.
He also suggested that these content creators have an association similar to the mass media, so that they can protect and advocate for each other if things go wrong.
“One of the functions of the association is to, for example, assist and reinforce that what is conveyed by this political content creator is something that is not hate speech,” he said.
“There is something in there that is not education. Sort of like providing a code of ethics,” he added.
It is known that a number of public figures and political observers lost their YouTube channels after commenting on or discussing sensitive issues related to politics and government.
Among them are Akbar Faisal, Feri Amsari, and the latest is Hendri Satrio.
Hensat, his nickname, said his account had been missing for more than 40 days after discussing online gambling with one of the sources on his YouTube channel.
“It has been more than 40 days since my account has not returned, allegedly because I discussed online gambling with one of the sources, at that time it was a sensitive issue and until now it cannot be recovered,” said Hensat.
Hensat also decided to create a new YouTube account in the aftermath of the loss of his account.
“Because the Hendri Satrio Official Youtube Channel is still controlled by ‘the other party’, I decided to create a new account, Jangkrik Bos ala Hensa,” concluded Hensa through his X account, @satriohendri.
This article was published on WartaKotalive.com with the title “Perludem Researcher Worried that Freedom of Expression is Restricted: Serious PR for the Government”, https://wartakota.tribunnews.com/2025/01/15/peneliti-perludem-khawatir-kebebasan-berpendapat-dibatasi-pr-serius-bagi-pemerintah.