Association for Elections and Democracy
The Association for Elections and Democracy (Perludem) is a non-governmental organization that focuses on electoral reform and democracy. Perludem has a vision to improve the quality of democracy in Indonesia through elections that are held honestly, fairly and in accordance with the principles of democratic elections. To realize this mission, Peludem carries out a number of activities such as conducting research or studies regarding elections in Indonesia, conducting training for stakeholders such as election organizers, civil society and voters, and also monitoring elections, including presidential elections, legislative elections and regional head elections.
In order to increase public participation to help oversee the democratization process and maintain a democratic election process, Perludem opens up opportunities for the public to take part in the internship program at Perludem. This internship program aims to provide the public with the opportunity to participate in the advocacy process carried out by Perludem with the public or to study the institutions of a civil society organization.
This internship activity can be participated in by students or the public who have an interest in democracy and electoral issues. In this internship program, interns can choose their desired specialization. These specializations are Election Systems, Election Law Enforcement, Voter Registration, Election Technology, Election Journalism, Election Management, and Organizational Institutions. The selection of these themes is left to the interns themselves.
Implementation of the internship at Perludem is for 1 month or based on the needs of the intern. All internship activities carried out by interns are a form of volunteering. Through internship activities, participants will gain experience conducting advocacy or studying the institutions of civil society organizations that can be used for the benefit of future intern participants.
Internship Goals
The internship program at Perludem aims to:
- Increase the knowledge, experience and/or abilities of interns regarding issues of democracy and holding democratic elections;
- Obtain input for Perludem in improving its advocacy work and also organizing its institutions.
Participant Requirements
Participants in the Internship Program at Perludem are students or members of the public who meet the following requirements:
- Submit an application for an internship at the Perludem institution by attaching a curriculum vitae (cv);
- Not affiliated with a political party;
- Willing to do volunteer work.
- Write a piece of writing about the election in the form of an opinion that is specific to one of the election issues.
For Perludem:
- Obtain input and feedback to improve advocacy activities and organize organizational institutions
- Building networks with interns
Implementation of the Internship Program
During the internship program, interns do:
- Tasks given by the internship supervisor from Perludem
- Participate in activities carried out by Peludem whether conducting advocacy, monitoring or research conducted by Peludem
- At the end of the internship program period, the intern participants present the results of their involvement in internship activities at Perludem
- Providing reports during the internship at Perludem
Apprenticeship Method
The internship process is carried out using the following method:
- Internship acceptance interviews to establish a shared understanding of the volunteering paradigm and suitability of expectations;
- Agree on the choice of duration and form of internship activities;
- Carrying out the agreed duration and form of internship activities;
- Make a presentation at the end of the internship program;
- Providing input to Perludem to improve the quality of the advocacy and institutional structuring of Perludem.
An internship application letter can be sent via email accompanied by personal biodata, internship form, and articles related to elections. The internship form can be downloaded in the attachment below.