The Asia-Pacific Regional Support for Elections and Political Transitions (RESPECT)

Project Officer

Scope of Work

Perludem (Perkumpulan untuk Pemilu dan Demokrasi/The Association for Elections and Democracy) is an independent nonprofit organization that conducts research, advocacy, monitoring, education, and training in the areas of electoral and democratic for policy makers, organizers, participants, and voters.

Since 2018, Perludem has been managing The Asia-Pacific Regional Support for Elections and Political Transitions (RESPECT) Program, a USAID-funded five-year program, with purpose of which is to support improved election integrity and electoral justice in the Asia-Pacific region. Perludem is the recipient of this Leader with Associate Awards Cooperative Agreement and is responsible for the overall management of the award and for ensuring achievement of the program objectives.

Perludem is collaborating with the Indonesian Association for Media Development, (PPMN), in implementing this program, and partnering with The Asia Foundation for organizational and capacity support. Perludem will also partner with key national and regional organizations across Asia and the Pacific to achieve program results on the following objectives:

  • Improved enabling environment for electoral governance and political processes
  • Increased citizen participation in elections and political processes, including political transitions
  • Effective election observation and oversight of electoral processes

In addition, this program also supports a fourth objective—enhanced participation, leadership, and political empowerment of women, youth, and other marginalized groups—but through a cross-cutting approach across all objectives.

PERLUDEM invites qualified and highly motivated Indonesian candidates to fill the position of Project Officer for RESPECT program with following objectives and qualifications:


The program officer is responsible for implementing activities and supporting the reports of the RESPECT program. S/he will directly report to RESPECT Project Manager and will coordinate with other RESPECT team members and Perludem team to ensure successful performance of the program, as detailed in the Work Plan. The Program Officer is expected independently liaising with the implementation level of partners, regional and national organizations.

The responsibilities for the Project Officer are, but not limited to the following duties:

  • Support the successful implementation of RESPECT technical tasks and related events. Such tasks may include seminars/conferences, trainings, meetings, presentations, evaluations and assessments, and other tasks. Items to be arranged may include participants confirmation; travel and hotel arrangements; preparation of materials; and report writing;
  • Work closely with program admin onadministrative and financial matters related to program implementation;
  • Support and monitor the implementation of RESPECT baseline and endline researches, including monitor progress of the activities to measure performance and results;
  • Assist Project Manager in monitoring detailed implementation plan for grantees and ensure it consistently carried out by implementing partners in proper way, ensure integration of inclusion principles within the program
  • maintain external relations with regional and national stakeholders;
  • Contribute to the annual programming and program reporting;
  • Carry out other duties as may be assigned related to project activities.


  • University bachelor degree or equivalent in legal studies, social/political sciences or related field;
  • Minimum 3 years of work experience. Experience in development program a plus;
  • Knowledge of democracy and electoral issues;
  • Good understanding of and strong affinity with civil society, in particular with non-governmental organizations and marginalized groups;
  • Demonstrate ability to interact profesionally and work constructively with a range of individuals and organizations with excellent interpersonal and intercultural skills;
  • Experience in program management and supervising research
  • Prior experience in grant management and working with organizations across Southeast Asia region will be regarded as an asset
  • Good communication skills and in administrative,
  • Fluent spoke English and strong written English;
  • Work with a high level of self-responsibility, reliability, multitasking and service orientation with good attention to details and constantly willing to learn and accept change;



This position will be stationed in Jakarta, Indonesia with frequent travel to Southeast Asia countries


Interested applicants are invited to send their CV in PDF version with standard file naming as [yourname] – CV. Please send applications as soon as possible. Due date for this application is Tuesday, August 25, 2019. Applicants are instructed to write “RESPECT Project Officer – [your name]” as the Subject line of their email. We regret that we are unable to acknowledge receipt of all applications and only shortlisted candidates will be notified.