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Jakarta, law-justice.co – The Association for Elections and Democracy (Perludem) stated that there was a potential for ethical violations by the KPU after entering into a contract with the Chinese technology giant, Alibaba, regarding the procurement and cloud computing contract for the Recapitulation Information System (Sirekap ).

Researcher from the Association for Elections and Democracy (Perludem), Usep Usman Sadikin, said that the involvement of foreign parties in providing information technology services has gone beyond the meaning of the KPU principle as an independent and independent institution in organizing elections in Indonesia.

“So with this jurisprudence, it can be interpreted that KPU members are now violating the electoral code of ethics so that it is offensive, leaving the meaning of independence which the DKPP in the context of the 2014 election is free from any party, free from any intervention, including foreign,” he said, Friday ( 3/15).

Usep then compared the 2014 election case when the KPU commissioners at that time were decided to have violated ethics by the DKPP. The reason is, at that time the KPU used Situng and Sipol technology which was supported by a foreign non-governmental organization (NGO).

For Usep et al, elections in Indonesia have the principle of legal jurisprudence, namely being independent and free from intervention from other parties, one of which is foreign parties.

“Again, this is an alleged violation of the code of ethics by our KPU commissioner. So this is actually the objective of the alleged violation of the code of ethics. It violates the meaning of independence guaranteed in the Constitution,” he said.

On the other hand, Usep regretted that the problem only came to light when the Sirekap problem occurred recently. He believes that the Sirekap carried out by the KPU should be oriented towards the wider public because the money comes from the Indonesian people.

“Why is this only being discovered now?” surprised Usep.

Apart from that, Usep also hopes that Bawaslu can report the issue of the KPU collaborating with Alibaba to procure this cloud to DKPP.

“If Bawaslu doesn’t report it to DKPP, it could be other election participants who question Sirekap. Or other civil society institutions,” he said.

Separately, the Executive Director ofeludem Khoirunnisa Agustyati asked the KPU to explain the process of procuring the Sirekap service with Alibaba Cloud. For him, this condition must be opened to the public so that there is no speculation.

“Because this is related to election data, the KPU should explain the procurement process, and also how the data is stored,” said Khoirunnisa.

Previously, it was revealed in the information dispute trial process that the KPU had entered into a contract with Alibaba, regarding the procurement and cloud contract for the 2024 Sirekap Election.

“So is it true that the KPU has collaboration with Alibaba cloud?” asked the Council of Commissioners (MK) of KIP of the Republic of Indonesia, Arya Sandhiyudha during a hearing in the Main Courtroom of the Central Information Commission (KIP) Secretariat, Wisma BSG Jakarta, Wednesday (13/3).

“That’s right, assembly,” answered the KPU representative.


This article was published on Law-justice.co with the title “KPU Gandeng Alibaba Cloud, Perludem Singgung Potensi Pelanggaran Etik”, https://www.law-justice.co/artikel/165207/kpu-gandeng-alibaba-cloud-perludem-singgung-potensi-pelanggaran-etik/