Judicial Review of Law Number 10 Year 2016 on the Implementation of Pilkada

Perludem asked the Constitutional Court to examine Article 201 paragraph (7), paragraph (8), and paragraph (9) of the Law on Regional Head Elections and give new meaning so that the simultaneous national elections will be held in March 2025 and the inauguration will be no later than July 2025.

Asian Electoral Stakeholder Forum - IV

Perludem Executive Director - Khoirunnisa Nur Agustyati was a speaker at the "Sustainable Democracy through Electoral Reform" session at the Asian Electoral Stakeholder Forum - VI held in Kathmandu, Nepal, from December 6-7, 2023.

Gatra Award 2023

The Association for Elections for Democracy (Perludem) received an award at the Gatra Awards 2023 "Appreciation for Work on Elements of Innovation, Transformation, Reform, Creation of Competitiveness, and Sustainable Development Towards Advanced Indonesia".

Judicial Review of Minimum Age Limit for Presidential and Vice Presidential Candidates

Perludem researcher Kahfi Adlan Hafiz conveyed in the trial of a lawsuit against Article 169 letter q of Law Number 7 Year 2017 concerning Elections, which discusses the minimum age limit for presidential and vice presidential candidates with the agenda of hearing the testimony of related parties.

Judicial Review of DPD Candidate Requirements

Perludem conducted a judicial review hearing at the Constitutional Court regarding the requirements for former prisoners to run as candidates for DPD members. In its application, Perludem requested that candidates for DPD members for 2024-2029 should not be former corruptors or recidivists until they have completed 5 years out of prison.

Judicial Review of Election Law

Perludem conducted a judicial review of the Parliamentary Threshold to the Constitutional Court (MK). The article being tested is Article 414 of Law Number 7 Year 2017.

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Self Image

Perludem is an independent non-profit organization that carries out research, advocacy, monitoring, education and training in the field of elections and democracy for policy makers, organizers, participants and voters, whose funding sources come from fundraising and other non-binding assistance.

Our Activities

The scope of Perludem's activities throughout the organization's journey has varied with Advocacy as the main core. The advocacy carried out by Perludem is carried out using an evidence-based approach, so that the substance of the advocacy has a strong academic bargain. However, in general, Perludem's activities are:

Reviewing election regulations, mechanisms and procedures; reviewing the implementation of elections; mapping the strengths and weaknesses of Election regulations; describe the advantages and disadvantages of holding elections; submit recommendations for improving systems and regulations; etc;

Participate in efforts to increase election stakeholders' understanding of election philosophy; increase understanding of community leaders about the importance of community participation in elections; increasing the knowledge and skills of election officials; increasing the knowledge and skills of election observers; etc;

Monitoring the implementation of elections; participate in monitoring election organizers so that they work in accordance with existing regulations; record and document cases of election violations and disputes; etc.

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Welcoming Pilkada 2024: Realizing Healthy Democracy with Active Participation and Supervision

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